Whether you are a contractor, a municipality or water district, or a manufacturer; you have experienced the value that a waterworks distributor adds to the supply chain. While a manufacturer builds value into the product that they produce, it is the distributor working in concert with the manufacturer that gets the right product to the right place at the right time.
Market Knowledge
Your local Dana Kepner Company branch is, well, local. No other organization has more real-time knowledge about the needs of the designers, builders, and owners of today's water systems. While the general principles of a quality water system do not vary greatly as the geography changes, your specific needs are affected by many factors such as population, weather, geology, and water quality. We assist with product specifications, training, and problem solving. As an extension of all the manufacturers that we represent, Dana Kepner Company is a one call (or visit) source for all of your waterworks needs.
Material Acquisition
Most projects today have become more complex with more components. As a result, the demands made on contractors, water districts, and municipalities during the material acquisition process have become more burdensome. A buyer is now faced with acquiring tens or even hundreds of items made by dozens of manufacturers. Dana Kepner Company is knowledgeable on a wide variety of product lines and represent a wide variety of manufacturers. With these capabilities, we streamline the purchasing, handling, and logistics of their incoming material; freeing up the utility's or contractor's personnel to focus on what they do best, installing and running their water system.
We Need What? When?
As our water and sewer infrastructure ages, the likelihood of a break or system failure increases. When that break occurs at 2:00 in the morning or in a major intersection at 2:00 in the afternoon, time becomes you biggest enemy. What size is the line? What is it made of? Where are the people and equipment needed to fix the problem? While a manufacturer may have exactly what you need in their facility, it may take a day or two to get the material. We can step in immediately with our expertise, inventory, and ability to respond quickly to an emergency.
Many projects today encompass rehabilitation of existing lines or involve work in the vicinity of existing lines. Many times contractors are surprised by what they just hit or just found once they started digging. At times like this, the contractor's best friend is the local Dana Kepner Company branch that has the necessary parts to get the problem solved immediately.

Product Knowledge
At Dana Kepner we are focused exclusively on waterworks. Our people, expertise, and inventory are singularly focused on the waterworks needs of municipalities, water districts, and pipeline contractors.
Municipal Specification Knowledge
What is the current specification for the area the project is active in? More importantly, what does the inspector expect to see that isn’t in the specifications? Our sales force has the experience to reduce the number of unexpected project delays.